12 useful applications of the Python language

By Riya Jain & Abhinash on December 6, 2022

Python language was developed by Guido Van Rossum in the 1980s. It is a high-level powerful programming language. The ease of use, simple syntax, dynamic environment, and high-level coding features of the language make Python is attracting highly skilled professional developers to develop new applications.

Over the years, retaining its operational principles, Python has evolved making the language relevant for web companies, academia, financial institutions, and even large corporations. Python as a whole could be used for any development sphere, but the recent surge for the language has been for business applications, web and game development, audio or video applications, GUI, web applications, or image processing (Thangarajah, 2019).

Python for desktop-based graphical user interface (GUI)

Python is not just a language presenting the means of writing English-like syntax but also has the feature of working with multiple operating systems and modular architecture. Combined with many other text processing tools, Python helps in building a desktop-based graphical user interface (GUI). A GUI serves as a means of smoothening the interaction for any application (Akash, 2022; Yusuf, 2010). Python offers many frameworks and toolkits like Kivy, PyQt, WxPython, wxWidgets, Tkinter, PySide, PyGUI, or PyGtk that allow developers to build highly functional GUI efficiently and easily. This could be for making simple applications like To-Do apps or calculators or more complex e-commerce apps.

Python language for developing games

As the gaming industry is growing rapidly, Python has been identified as exceptional means of developing a game. Apart from this, Python also has the feature of supporting game designers in developing tools for simplifying specific actions such as dialog tree creation or level design. Even many game engines use Python as their scripting language (Fran, 2021; Parker, 2019). Libraries like panda3D, PyGame, Cocos2D, PyKyra, PyGlet, PyOpenGL, Kivy, and PySoy are mostly used for game development. Some of the popular games named Disney’s Toontown Online, Frets of Fire, Battlefield, Civilization-IV, Vega Strike, and World of Tanks are developed using Python. 

Role of Python language in scientific and numeric details

Python has a major role in the computation of numeric and scientific details. Python helps in by providing researchers and academicians with the tools to develop applications that could help in scientific data processing and computations. These apps include Abaqus or FreeCAD which are developed using Python. Some of the main and popular libraries offered by Python to support researchers are Pandas, SciPy, Numeric Python, IPython, and the Natural language toolkit (Johansson, 2019).

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligent applications

In the world of real-time data wherein datasets are available in bulk, artificial intelligence and machine learning are the technologies contributing towards making the world smarter. As the technologies provide the facility to build a more interactive and dynamic working environment, thus, most companies are adopting these technologies (Poole & Mackworth, 2022). Python being a flexible, simple, and high-level language is the perfect language for supporting projects using artificial intelligence and machine learning. Apart from providing the tools and libraries, Python due to its concise, readable, and easy code makes the process of writing complex algorithms simpler for developers (Raschka et al., 2020). Some of the popular python packages include SciPy, Seaborn, Pandas, NumPy, Keras, Scikit-Learn, and Tensorflow and the popular libraries are PyTorch, Caffee, NLTK, or Accord.NET which contribute to developing algorithms.

Python for business and enterprise solutions

Business or Enterprise applications are different from standard applications. Business applications require more scalability, extensibility, and readability and are designed for meeting organizations’ needs and not customers. As the system needs integration of the legacy systems such as non-web apps and existing database along with consideration of customer requirements to support the needs of the organization, thus, the process of development is complex (Javapoint, 2022). Python herein due to its features helps in the development of efficient and fully functional business applications for tracking profits, managing inventory, or even automating repetitive tasks. Even as one of the main features of business applications is to main security and as Python is developed considering information security, thus, even security is maintained. Some of the main tools used for Business applications include Tryton (used for shipping, purchasing, CRM, sales, or financial accounting) and Odoo (provides business processes automated solutions) (DataFlair, 2022; Fran, 2021).

Audio or video-based Applications

Python helps in the creation of many multimedia applications. With the availability of better stability and lots of libraries feature, Python is used by many popular companies like Spotify, YouTube, and Netflix for completing tasks flawlessly. Some of the main libraries supporting the functioning include Pyo, Dejavu, OpenCV, SciPy, Gstreamer, QT Phonon, Pyglet, and Mingus (Viarbitskaya & Dobrucki, 2020).

Python for Data Science and Visualization

Data can be used for deriving relevant information like understanding consumer purchase patterns, profits, sales, or trends. Data science is the stream that focuses on data collection, sorting, analysis, and visualization. As Python with its dynamic environment provides the facility of tackling complex calculations and statistics thus, with the presence of its in-built libraries, Python adds convenience and efficiency in working for data science professionals (Embarak, 2018; Mohammed & Al-ameen, 2019). Some of the popular libraries that could be used include Socket learning, Pandas, TensorFlow, Matplotlib, NumPy, or Seaborn which helps in creating an ecosystem for data pre-processing, modeling, and visualizing for complex datasets.

Python base Computer-aided designing (CAD) applications

Computer-aided designing (CAD) is the process of creating 2D or 3D models digitally. The applications are used as an alternative to manual designing by product designers, construction managers, and architects for designing the product with much more consistency. As in real-time, CAD 3D models mainly require more exploration of complex design options, thus, Python herein serves as a means of reducing this complexity (Fran, 2021; Javapoint, 2022; Kopylov, 2021). Some of the popular applications provided by Python include FreeCAD or Blender which provide the feature of dynamic system development, file import, export, recordings, and technical drawings.

Web Scrapping bots written in Python language

Web scrapping is defined as the automated process of extracting relevant information from different websites or online sources in a faster and easier way. This information is used by organizations, researchers, or even analysts to fulfill the requirements of different tasks. Python has a special feature of pulling large data out from different websites that enable activities like job listings, price comparisons, or even research and development works (Mitchell, 2018). Some of the popular libraries supporting web scrapping include MechanicalSoup, Selenium, and PythonRequest.

Software development

Python applications and packages work towards simplifying the software development process. Being used as a supporting language by developers, Python could be used for building control, project management and bug tracking, continuous and automated testing and compilations, and creating an integrated development environment (Fran, 2021; Halvorsen, 2020). Famous applications like Netflix, Reddit, and Google have used Python for their software development as it helped in providing platform independence, better compatibility, enhanced reusability, and readability of code, and provided a wide range of inbuilt libraries and frameworks. Some of the common libraries available to support functioning are Round, Trac, Buildbot, Apache, and SCons (Javapoint, 2022; Zelle, 2009).

Image processing with Python

Python also has unique contributions in supporting image processing applications. The programming language could be used globally for working with image and manipulating it as per the needs. Some of the popular libraries of Python supporting image processing include SimpleITK, Pillow, and OpenCV (ALAA & Abidne, 2021).

Web development using the Python language

Web development is defined as the field wherein computer applications are written to create more interactive websites using web browsers or HTML. Python due to its feature of convenience, scalability, amazing visualization, fast development process, and security helps in supporting developers to build the website from scratch (Patkar et al., 2022). Even the website could be developed without much trouble by using internet protocol libraries like JSON, XML, HTML, IMAP, FTP, or E-mail processing. Some well-known frameworks used for development include Pyramid, Flask, and Django. These frameworks and protocols help in simplify the tasks of interfering internet, database interaction, and content management. The packages provided by Python to support this application include BeautifulSoup, Requests, Twisted Python, Paramiko, and Feedparser (InterviewBit, 2022; Javapoint, 2022).


  • Akash. (2022). Top 10 Python Applications in the Real World You Need to Know. Edureka. https://www.edureka.co/blog/python-applications/#game
  • ALAA, N. E., & Abidne, I. Z. El. (2021). Introduction to Image processing with Python.
  • DataFlair. (2022). Python Applications Unleash the power of Python. https://data-flair.training/blogs/python-applications/
  • Embarak, O. (2018). Data Analysis and Visualization Using Python Analyze Data to Create Visualizations for BI Systems.
  • Fran. (2021). What is Python used for ? 10 practical Python uses. Future Learn. https://www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/what-is-python-used-for
  • Halvorsen, H. (2020). Python for Software Development.
  • InterviewBit. (2022). Top Applications of Python. https://www.interviewbit.com/blog/applications-of-python/
  • Javapoint. (2022). Python Applications. https://www.javatpoint.com/python-applications
  • Johansson, R. (2019). Numerical Python Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib.
  • Kopylov, M. (2021). Expanding the Functionality of Optical CAD Using the Python Scripting Language.
  • Mitchell, R. (2018). Web Scraping with Python.
  • Mohammed, T. T., & Al-ameen, S. (2019). Data Visualization with Real World Data Using Python. SSCSMCS, June.
  • Parker, J. R. (2019). Game Development Using Python.
  • Patkar, U., Singh, P., Panse, H., Bhavsar, S., & Pandey, C. (2022). Python for web development. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 11(4), 36–48.
  • Poole, D. L., & Mackworth, A. K. (2022). Python code for Artificial Intelligence : Foundations of Computational Agents.
  • Raschka, S., Patterson, J., & Nolet, C. (2020). Machine Learning in Python : Main Developments and Technology Trends in Data Science , Machine Learning , and Artificial Intelligence. Information, 11(193). https://doi.org/10.3390/info11040193
  • Thangarajah, V. (2019). Python current trend applications-an overview. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, 6(10).
  • Viarbitskaya, T., & Dobrucki, A. (2020). Audio processing with using Python language science libraries. April. https://doi.org/10.23919/SPA.2018.8563430
  • Yusuf, U. (2010). Desktop GUI App Development using Python.
  • Zelle, J. M. (2009). Python Programming : An Introduction to Computer Science.
  • Real Python. (2021, May 6). Python GUI Development With PySimpleGUI [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_z2RPAH0Qk
  • NeuralNine. (2022, January 21). 3D Game Development in Python with Ursina [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qns1vvi0WVo
  • Programming with Mosh. (2020, September 17). Python Machine Learning Tutorial (Data Science) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eh4d6sabA0
  • Programming with Mosh. (2021, June 28). Python Django Tutorial for Beginners [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHux0gMZ3Eg
  • Code Heroku. (2019, July 5). Movie Recommendation System with Collaborative Filtering [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ecNC-So0r4
