11 months & 3 weeks ago

    test for normality, autocorrelation, and model determination with stata commands

  2. Jari
    1 year & 3 months ago

    None of te ways to check for heterscedasticity works for me. It says no estimates found.

    This is my do file:
    reshape long gov env soc esg roa bet lto tdt, i(identifier) j(year)

    destring gov env soc esg roa bet lto tdt, replace

    encode identifier, generate (company_id)

    encode c_id, generate (country_id)

    tabulate Timehorizon

    tabulate Timehorizon, gen(t)

    sort company_id year

    tsset company_id year

    winsor2 roa, replace cut (5 95)

    winsor2 gov, replace cut (5 95)

    winsor2 soc, replace cut (5 95)

    winsor2 env, replace cut (5 95)

    winsor2 esg, replace cut (5 95)

    winsor2 bet, replace cut (5 95)

    winsor2 lto, replace cut (5 95)

    winsor2 tdt, replace cut (5 95)

    summarize roa esg gov env soc bet lto tdt t1 t2 t3

    correlate roa esg gov env soc bet lto tdt t1 t2 t3

    xtreg roa gov env soc bet lto tdt t1 t2 t3, fe

    estimates store fixed

    xtreg roa gov env soc bet lto tdt t1 t2 t3, re

    estimates store random

    hausman fixed random

    alpha roa esg gov soc env lto tdt bet t1 t2 t3

    xtreg roa gov env soc lto tdt bet i.t2 i.t3 c.gov#i.t2 c.gov#i.t3

    xtreg roa gov lto tdt bet i.t2 i.t3 c.gov#i.t2 c.gov#i.t3, re

    rvfplot, yline(0)

  3. Lailanth
    2 years & 7 months ago

    ’I’m really appreciate your article .i did saw any good explanation until now like your article

  4. Abdullahi
    3 years & 6 months ago

    I’m really appreciate your article and I want know, how can logit and probit error terms with clear explanation like a this article. Thanks My Guru b!!

    4 years & 9 months ago

    Im looking for a comand in stata that allow me to know if my VAR model had Heteroskedastic problems…would you help me.

  6. Sasika
    4 years & 10 months ago

    hello i need interpretation for robust analysis which means how we can identify that heteroscedasticity was solved

  7. Lu, Yin-Chieh
    5 years & 2 months ago

    In Figure 7: Residuals versus fitted plot for heteroscedasticity test in STATT
    need I all the variable heteroscedasticity

  8. Dr Lee
    5 years & 6 months ago


    You CAN’T. (Dr Lee)

  9. Anju
    5 years & 6 months ago

    My name is Anju. I am trying to do a VAR model. My residual plot shows that my model has hetroskedasticity. How can I solve this problem in VAR model . I am using Stata. My variables have a lot of negative values , so they cannot be changed into log form. In this situation, how can I solve the problem of hetroskedasticity? I hope you can help me !