1. Heri
    10 months & 6 days ago

    I want to know why you choose to utilize unstandardized beta rather than standardized beta in order to achieve this good outcome.

  2. Murekatete zawadi
    1 year & 2 months ago

    thank you very much!
    it was very clear and helpful

  3. M Naveed
    1 year & 2 months ago

    Please send me details about regression analysis

  4. Suad
    1 year & 3 months ago

    Hi, I found this article very helpful. I just have one question about the Model Summary table. What is the acceptable value for “Std. Error of the Estimate”? I am doing research on the factors that influence students’ scores in one subject using three different tests as dependent variables. Thank you in advance. The value I have now is 9.640, is this considered acceptable?

  5. Vivian
    1 year & 3 months ago

    Thank you. This is very helpful

  6. Dilshod
    1 year & 3 months ago

    Thank you. it was very helpful. it was very clear.

  7. Tumabang Emmanuel
    1 year & 4 months ago

    Thanks for this document.
    It is simple and clear. it has been very helpful to me. Now I know what to do with my analysis

  8. Wail
    1 year & 5 months ago

    Varibles entered / removed
    Model Varibles entered Varibles
    Removed method
    1 Event,
    Allowance . Enter
    a. All requested variables enterd dependent variable: motivation level
    b. Depent variable:mdv

    interpret ALL the SPSS outputs below as detail as possible Regression Analysis

    Model summary
    Model r R Square Adjusted R
    Square Std Error of the Estimate
    1 .669
    Allowance ..447 .440 .39184
    a. Predictors ( constant, events,allowance

  9. Asaph
    1 year & 5 months ago

    Great post. Thank you

  10. Shem Ngetha
    1 year & 8 months ago

    Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 13
    ————-+———————————- F(3, 9) = 0.62
    Model | 2.47305128 3 .824350427 Prob > F = 0.6188
    Residual | 11.9433999 9 1.32704444 R-squared = 0.1715
    ————-+———————————- Adj R-squared = -0.1046
    Total | 14.4164512 12 1.20137094 Root MSE = 1.152

    Dperformance | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
    Dcapitaladequacy | .0011134 .0048725 0.23 0.824 -.0099089 .0121357
    Ddeposits | -.0143361 .0113395 -1.26 0.238 -.0399878 .0113155
    Dquality | .0224043 .0182389 1.23 0.250 -.0188548 .0636635

    soemone help me interpret research variables