I need to know more about stationarity test
Please how is this done on the computer. Which software is normally used.
Hi Mbosowo
You can use either Eviews or Stata specifically for this test. The procedure for performing the analysis in Stata is presented here :
You can check the article
When your data is stationary or non stationary,what do you do next?
Hi Nuhu,I
In case stationarity in dataset is derived, you can proceed with further analysis like regression for fulfilling your study purpose. While for the non-stationary data, you need to correct the dataset using differencing. Refer- https://www.projectguru.in/solution-non-stationarity-time-series-analysis-stata/
Thank you for your analysis on Stationarity test. I will like more of you on Cointegration test, multicollinearity test and stability test. Thank you
Hi Patrick,
We already have many articles on cointegration, multicollinearity, and other assumption tests. You can visit our Knowledge Tank for it or could type keyword as per test and search relevant articles.
I get an interesting explanation for the stationarity test. Thank you Riya.
Dear Riya Jain,
Thank you for your info about this topic.
I want to ask something,
1. can you give detail about this article so that I can cite your paper.
2. What the meaning of Heteroscedasticity.
3. I want to ask your opinion about stationarity. You said that stationarity mean that the value of the variable doesn’t change with time. What the detail meaning of time, it is like monsoon, or any environment effect.
thank you
Hi Siti
As per your query
1. Citation details as per APA format is
(Jain & Chetty, 2020)
Jain, R., & Chetty, P. (2020). What is a stationarity test and how to do it? ProjectGuru. https://www.projectguru.in/what-is-a-stationarity-test-how-to-do-it/
2. For details on heteroscedasticity test, you can refer this article
3. Stationarity is any economic, social, or environmental effect. It just the daily passage of time having role in influencing the value of variable
Dear Riya,
Thank you very much for your feedback.
Based on answer of question 3, it is you means that if the test is stationary, so my variable in data it doesn’t change according to the time whereas my pattern of data looks like having some cyclic pattern.
For example, in ozone data, how can we relate the variable (ozone concentration) doesn’t affect the time. I’m really confuse about this.
Is it the stationarity suitable to my testing or i need to test my data using seasonality test to ensure that my data is in cyclic pattern.
Hi Siti
You need to check seasonality for your data to ensure cyclic pattern
Dear Riya,
Thank you very much..
Any suggestions from you.the suitable test for seasonality.
Thank you in advance
It means that when t-stat value is greater than prob value there’s stationarity.
Hi Oj
The article implies that whenever for ADF test test statistic value is less than critical value at any significance level (for example at 5% level – test statistic value < 5% level critical value) or p-value is less than significance level (p-value < 0.05),then stationarity exists.
Excellent explanation! how could we perform these tests by using stata software?
1 year & 7 months ago