Factors related to student that influence faculty satisfaction in online teaching

By Rajalakshmi Rahul on April 2, 2012

According to Bower (2001) satisfaction of a student is the most important key in making the student continue online learning throughout the life. The major reason that improves the satisfaction level of faculties is the opportunity that they gain in teaching and interacting with student communities belonging to diverse cultures and nations. 

Online teaching gives an opportunity to faculties to teach diverse students. Teachers teaching online can impart education to people from various cultures, ethnicity, background, race and nationality (Alavi and Gallupe, 2003). This gives them a better exposure as well as teaching experience. The teachers can collaborate with different types of students.  This helps them not only teach to diverse students but also learn from them.  For instance, a faculty from London can teach a concept to an Indian or Chinese student through online learning. This improves the interest of faculty towards imparting education online.

The satisfaction level of faculty further increases if the students are happy with the teaching style of the faculty and if they perform well in their examinations that are conducted to assess their knowledge. Almost all faculties expect all the students who complete their course online to express satisfaction about the interaction, support services and quality of teaching offered by them (Hartman, et al, 2000).

Online teaching helps in improving teaching style of faculty. Online education paves way for better relationship between student and faculty. Through online education faculties are able to get instance feedback from the students (Howell et. al, 2004).  This helps faculties in improving themselves by changing their teaching style in such a way that they suit the needs of their students.  Besides, this helps them to identify their weaknesses as an instructor and correct themselves to overcome the same.


  • Alavi M and R.B. Gallupe R.B.(2003), “Using information technology in learning: Case studies in business and management education programs”, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2 (2), pp. 139-153
  • Bower, B.L. (2001). Distance education: Facing the faculty challenge. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 4(2). Retrieved March 15, 2011, from http://www.westga.edu/∼distance/ojdla/summer42/bower42.html
  • Hartman J L and Truman-Davis B (2001), Factors relating to the satisfaction of faculty teaching online courses, University of Central Florida, Melbourne
  • Howell, S.L., Saba, F., Lindsay, N.K., & Williams, P.B. (2004). Seven strategies for enabling faculty success in distance education. The Internet and Higher Education, 7(1), 33–49.
