Information technology (IT)
The term information technology refers to the entire technology industry. Information technology is the use of software and computer to manage the information. In various companies, this is also known as Management Information Services or Information Services. The department of information technology for a large company is responsible for protecting the information, processing the information, storing the information, transmitting and retrieving the information (Hamid, 1984).
Emergence of information technology
In the past days of the development of computer, there was nothing as a college degree in Information Technology. The computer programming and software development was the best devices for the mathematical engineers and scientists of computer because of their complicated nature. Thus the advanced technology such as with the advent of personal computer in 1990’s and their everyday use in the workplace and home, the world moves into the age of information made it possible (Abdul, 1989).
In the early 20th century, every child in the world, became used to a personal computer. The departments of information technology in businesses has come a long way from using the storage tapes which was created by a single computer operator to interconnect the network of workstations of employee, to store the information in a server away from the major site of the business. The communication has advanced, from the telephone fax transmissions and physical postal mail to the near digital communication through email (Stanley, 2001).
Modern day computers
The large advance in technology was made when the computers had large pieces of equipment that were stored in large AC rooms by getting the information from the punch cards (David, 1994). The industry of information technology has turned out to be a huge employer of people worldwide, as the focus shift in some nations from service to manufacturing industries. Information technology is a field where the barrier to enter is much lower than that of manufacturing, for example in the present environment of the business being intelligent in computers is necessary for those who want to compete in the workplace (Meiler, 1985).
To perform the complex functions required for the department of information technology today, the modern department of Information Technology now use servers, DBMS, cryptography and servers. The department is made up of several database administrators, system administrators and at least one manager of information technology. The group usually report to the Chief Officer of Information Technology (Tate, 1997).
- Hamid T, the Dynamics of Software Development Project Management: An Integrative System Dynamics Perspective, 1984.
- Thomsett R, People & Project Management, 1980.
- Abdul-Hamid T K, The Dynamics of Software Project Staffing: A System Dynamics Based Simulation Approach, 1989.
- Stanley E, Project Management For Dummies, 2001.
- David I, Project Management Handbook, 1983.
I work as an editor and writer for Project Guru. I have a keen interest in new and upcoming learning and teaching methods. I have worked on numerous scholarly projects in the fields of management, marketing and humanities in the last 10 years. Currently, I am working in the footsteps of the National Education Policy of India to help and support fellow professors to emphasise interdisciplinary research and curriculum design.