Tag: Trend of FDI

It can be observed that few key industries belonging to these two sectors have boosted at a faster rate than the others and attracted more FDI than the others.  

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It is the process of establishment of business or carrying out business activities in the host country by a foreign country. The Government of India had undertaken major reforms in the country’s FDI policies in 1991. The most recent policies allowed for increasing the FDI limit.

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By Indra Giri & Priya Chetty on December 21, 2016 1 Comment

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an international flow of capital where a company or individual of one country makes an investment in another country. The main objective of such investment is to establish business operations which will generate a lasting interest in the investee economy (Goldberg, n.d.).

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By Abhinash Jena on December 13, 2016 3 Comments

As reviewed in previous articles, foreign direct investment (FDI), is an investment made by a foreign investor in a host country. Foreign investment is considered to be an integral part of an economy as it helps in accelerating the economic development.

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By Indra Giri on October 8, 2016 4 Comments

The post reform period being the prospective period for strengthening the base of the Indian economical sectors for its growth with liberalization policy.

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By Priya Chetty on September 12, 2016 3 Comments

The agricultural sector in India is the main source of livelihood for more than 70 percent of the rural population. Similarly half of the households in the rural population show some sign of poverty (Singh & Walis 2015).

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By Indra Giri & Priya Chetty on July 2, 2016 3 Comments

Foreign direct investment in India is the most influential financial resource, especially for the emerging sectors.

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