Tag: writing and reporting
Many would not know that the lack of a well-defined theoretical framework can be an important reason for the failure of research. A research study aims to explore the unexplored or under-explored aspects of a subject.
writing and reportingAbstract and summary is the short version summarizing and describing the contents of a paper. They comprise of the same context but are different in a few ways. They provide the first impression of a paper and act as a preface to answer the reader’s questions; What has been done in the paper? How has […]
how to write, writing and reporting‘Limitations or shortcomings of the study’ is the last stage of a thesis. After the study is completed, as a researcher, you may have identified shortcomings.
how to write, research paper writing, writing and reportingThe part “scope for further research” is essential in every academic study such as a thesis, dissertation or journal paper. The main purpose of this part is to make the readers aware of the findings emerging from the study, and shortcomings.
how to write, writing and reportingPlagiarism is a “practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and presenting them as one’s own” (UK Quality Code for Higher Education, 2005).
plagiarism, writing and reportingThe problem of plagiarism is growing bigger and bigger in the present education system, not limiting itself to a specific region but all over the world. As Paldy (1996) has phrased, “the problem (of plagiarism) won’t go away”, leading it to emerge as a common and widespread problem.
plagiarism, writing and reportingThe problem of lack of flow in the a thesis or a dissertation occurs mostly while writing the Literature Review. The following guidelines may help you in this regard.
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