What is a job and how to deliver?

By Priya Chetty on November 24, 2016

Once a job has been assigned to you, you choose to ‘Accept’ the job to start working on it, or ‘Reject’ to not to work on it.

Things you should know about a job

All jobs are assigned to you in your Project Guru account will have:

  • Handler acts as a guide or supervisor of your work. You will stay in touch to keep the Handler updated about the progress.
  • Layout is the Content Plan and is like a contract between the Job handler and you. As an analyst you have to strictly follow the Layout. If it is not followed then the assigned job will be suspended.
  • Word count is excluding bibliography, references, tables, graphs, table of contents, etc. The number of words accounted in the body of the research is Word count.
  • Supporting files and additional documents such as:
    • additional guidelines or instruction from the client,
    • partially completed data,
    • feedback,
    • papers specifically to be reviewed for the job.
  • You are required to review these documents thoroughly.
  • Help with references in most cases have to be collected and searched by you. The Handler will can help you occasionally.

Communication and submission

Whenever you accept a job, you must update your Handler about the progress every day on email. Additionally, you have to stay accessible in other quicker communication mediums like WhatsApp and Gtalk or Hangouts. Daily updates are needed by your Handler, not later than 6 pm every weekday.

You are required to submit a minimum of 1000 words per day. This must be done before 9 pm every weekday.

Editing and revisions

The Handler will provide you the feedback of your submissions on a regular basis. ‘Comments’ will be marked inside the document. Sometimes there can be over 10 comments per page, depending upon the quality of writing. You must however edit as per each and every comment on the document. If you skip any single comment, it will be sent back to you until you re-edit it. Every document must be edited and sent to the Job Handler within 24 hours without fail. In case of emergency orders, it may be required sooner.

All drafts submitted is checked for plagiarism on WriteCheck.com. It should not exceed 5%, we strict policies against plagiarism and it can result in deduction of remuneration. Check our terms and conditions for details.

Things to keep in mind while editing:

  • Do not delete the Handler’s comments.
  • Track all the changes by using the ‘Track Changes’ option in the word document.
  • After editing continue further writing in the same file.
  • Editing must be finished on priority over other jobs.

‘Completion’ of jobs and getting paid

A job is marked ‘Complete’ by the Job Handler when the final submission meets the following criteria:

  • Plagiarism: not exceeding 5% as per WriteCheck software.
  • Grammar: Perfectly done
  • Presentation: done to satisfaction, such as presentation of graphs, figures, flow, etc
  • Adherence to layout: If layout is not followed thoroughly, it may result in suspension of the job.
  • All editing done to satisfaction: All comments given by the Handler is corrected by you to their satisfaction.

Overall we are looking for quality work that meet our customer requirements.

I am a management graduate with specialisation in Marketing and Finance. I have over 12 years' experience in research and analysis. This includes fundamental and applied research in the domains of management and social sciences. I am well versed with academic research principles. Over the years i have developed a mastery in different types of data analysis on different applications like SPSS, Amos, and NVIVO. My expertise lies in inferring the findings and creating actionable strategies based on them. 

Over the past decade I have also built a profile as a researcher on Project Guru's Knowledge Tank division. I have penned over 200 articles that have earned me 400+ citations so far. My Google Scholar profile can be accessed here

I now consult university faculty through Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) on the latest developments in the field of research. I also guide individual researchers on how they can commercialise their inventions or research findings. Other developments im actively involved in at Project Guru include strengthening the "Publish" division as a bridge between industry and academia by bringing together experienced research persons, learners, and practitioners to collaboratively work on a common goal. 

