Tag: human resource

LGBT community and their workplace problems

By Susweta GuhaThakurta on May 19, 2015 No Comments

There is increasing evidence of gender diversity being embraced in the contemporary workplace in India. Traditionally workplaces have been notorious for the gender equality problem, but now a days a new problem persists among businesses: treatment of marginalized groups at the workplace. The crisis of one of these marginalized groups called Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Transgenders (LGBT) is discussed in this article.


Wage garnishment and its impacts

By Ritu Tiwari on June 16, 2014 No Comments

Wage garnishment is an American legal order, for an employer to withhold a part of employee’s wages to pay his debts (Ulastd, 2008). Creditors can take garnished amount directly from employee’s paycheck but without filling and winning a lawsuit no one can garnish an employee’s wage.


Attrition: The truth behind the figures

By on May 30, 2012 6 Comments

Attrition is one of the most discussed issues in today’s corporate scenario. Whenever I come across any news related to attrition, the two facts that draw my immediate attention are that ‘attrition is bad’ and ‘attrition rate is on a hike and reached x%’. But somehow I always find both these facts partial and misleading.