Category: Agriculture
The agricultural sector in India is the main source of livelihood for more than 70 percent of the rural population. Similarly half of the households in the rural population show some sign of poverty (Singh & Walis 2015).
agriculture, fdi is vital for the economy, literature survey, the two faces of fdi, Trend of FDIThe agricultural practices carried out in India are still largely traditional. Indian agriculture technology have many limitations as compared to modern agricultural technologies around the world.
agriculture, literature survey, technologyThis article attempts to make a discussion regarding the incidence of farmer suicides in the Indian sub-continent and the causes that lie beneath.
agriculture, industry analysis, literature surveyFertilization, mixed breeding, genetic modification and pest management are some ways by which crop productivity has increased manifold.
agriculture, technologyIsrael is one such country whose topography is arid and farming is a challenge. But this country has acquired the status of ‘world leader’ in terms of agricultural research and development.
agricultureThe agriculture sector of Israel is characterized by high technological advancement, automatic and controlled mechanization and high quality seeds and plants (Tarchitzky n.d.).
agriculture, technologyAgriculture is one of the most important pillars of the Indian economy. The contribution of agriculture and its allied sectors to India’s GDP stood at 13.9% during 2013-14(Agriculture 2013).
agricultureAbout 65% population of India depends upon the agriculture for subsistence and it claims 22% share in India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Tyagi 2012).