Category: Biology

Multiple sequence alignment studies of merA protein sequence

In the previous article, similar gene sequences of an established mercuric ion reductase or merA gene were identified. They were studied from the NCBI database using BLAST tool. In this article, the protein sequence of merA enzyme is studied with respect to its closely related sequences found in NCBI database, through Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA).


Importance of statistics in randomised controlled trials (RCT)

Quantitative studies are those that rely on measures that can be represented by discrete numbers, such as age, weight or body temperature. Epidemiological studies too can be quantitative in nature. A quantitative epidemiological study can be broadly classified as ‘observational’ or ‘experimental’. It depends upon the extent of intervention by the researcher in the subject’s exposure or actions.


Epidemiology and public health challenge from emerging infectious diseases

In the last few decades, after the discovery of penicillin, a large number of these diseases have been controlled or eliminated. However, infectious diseases have a tendency to recur in a different population or region than before. This phenomenon is termed as emerging infectious diseases (EID).

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