Human rights violation in India

By Ankita Agarwal on May 13, 2011

All forms of media these days seem to be flooded with human rights issues and debates. When we say human rights, they refer to those rights which are inherent to all human beings irrespective of caste, color, sex, nationality, religion, ethnic origin, language or any other factor. Some of the human rights include right to freedom from torture, freedom from slavery, right to security, education, work, marry, and right to equality before the law etc.

Human rights violations

These rights are fundamental to every human being but still there are several occurrences of human rights violations in India which create a need for some authority to regulate such issues. In India, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is the authority responsible for regulating such issues. But the situation is alarming and human rights violation is a serious matter which needs immediate action. Issues like child labor, dowry, harassment, rape, workplace exploitation, and custodial deaths have become an everyday affair.

The alarm

Latest statistics of NHRC has revealed that Uttar Pradesh tops among all the states for maximum number of human rights violation complaints followed by the country’s capital Delhi. In most cases of human rights violation, the victims hesitate to raise a voice and file petition in court because of the slow pace of justice in our country and even when the case is filed, in most cases the authorities are helpless to take any actions against the culprit because of lack of proofs. The situation is worse and cannot be improved unless the citizens themselves co-operate with the authorities.



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