Importance of Leadership in Organizational development

By Ajay Janardhanan on October 11, 2011

In keeping pace with the modern times the need for true leaders has emerged. Goleman (1995) considers that leadership requires the ability to persuade not dominate others. The fundamental aspect of a leader is the capacity to learn to adapt and to make a difference.

Scope and Significance

Modern organizations are evolving and changing rapidly and to develop effective strategies they need to embrace change and growth. ”Organization development is a system-wide application of behavioral science knowledge to the planned development and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures, and process for improving an organization’s effectiveness” (Cummins and Worley(1997)). Essentially there are four quadrants in the context of leadership and organizational development.  The inner self– invisible thoughts and actions and outer self– visible thoughts and actions dealing with leadership .The inner organization– focusing on social and cultural setups, the outer organization– strategies and processes which focuses on the organization  point of view


Planning leadership along  with organizational development is the  right mantra for a successful organization Effective leaders should develop plans and procedures that supports organizational priorities and leaders must create a positive environment to learn, experiment and take risks. The leaders must keep an eye on the future and build good networks. Orientation along with a positive social culture, delegation and empowerment along with ethical standards all contribute to a hygienic organizational development.


  • Books  Goleman  (1995) The leader of the future- New York: Peter Drucker Foundation
  • Newstorm,John & Keith(1993) – Organizational Behavior- Human Behavior at work-New York-Mcgraw Hill
  • Cummins and Worley (1997)- Organizational development and change- South West Publishing
