Study on reducing the AT&C losses of Indian Public Power systems using Smart Grid Infrastructure
India has made commendable strides in enhancing its electrical distribution systems by reducing AT&C (Aggregate Technical and commercial) losses from 23.72% in 2016 to 17% in 2021. However, it is much higher than in countries like the USA, Japan, and South Korea. Technical factors that lead to AT&C losses include aging infrastructure, overloading of transformers and lines, and voltage fluctuations. On the other hand, non-technical factors include theft, inaccurate metering and billing, and lack of billing infrastructure. Its operational factors include inefficient collection processes, inadequate load management, unmetered and unbilled connections, and voltage instabilities.
The primary objectives of this research are twofold: firstly, to comprehensively review existing methods for monitoring AT&C losses in distribution systems in India, and secondly, to implement a predictive model aimed at mitigating AT&C losses. This model aims to reduce AT&C losses due to theft and pilferage, inaccurate billing, operational inefficiencies, and inefficient collection processes. This model attempts to improve the ‘smart grid infrastructure’ which India has been actively working on for many years. Finally, this study proposes a method to integrate the predictive model into components of the power distribution system in India.
Review the methods to monitor AT&C losses in the power distribution systems in India
Purpose: The primary purpose of this goal is to conduct a thorough examination of the existing techniques used to measure AT&C losses in the power distribution networks of India. Some of these techniques are meter data analysis, energy audit programs, billing and revenue system analysis, and data analytics and predictive modeling. Identifying these practices will enable us to create a better and more efficient smart grid monitoring system that minimizes AT&C losses.
Method: this goal includes application of literature review, systematic review and empirical review of existing studies.
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Implement a monitoring system to identify and minimize distribution system losses
Purpose: The purpose of this goal is to translate the insights gained from the review of monitoring methods (the first goal) into a practical, actionable solution. It involves developing a Forecasting model to predict the needs of the local population to address the complexity of varying power loads of the public power systems across India. Such a system aims at real time identification of problems like theft, optimizing the efficiency of distribution areas prone to losses, enable data-driven decision making, and make it compatible for integration with existing power distribution infrastructure in India.
Method: This goal involves collection of power consumption, collection processes, AT&C losses, and billing data from different power distribution systems across India, exploratory data analysis, model selection and training, testing, deployment, and monitoring in a chosen power distribution system in India using MATLAB.
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