Tag: fdi environment relation
Electrical conductivity is an important indicator of water pollution. It represents the water’s ability to have electric current i.e. the amount of ionic content present in the water.
environmental cost of fdi, fdi environment relation, the two faces of fdiEnvironmental degradation from water pollution is being witnessed at an alarming rate owing majorly to economic activities.
empirical research, environmental cost of fdi, fdi environment relation, the two faces of fdiLevel of dissolved oxygen has been identified as a composite indicator of water pollution in the previous article. It represents the trophodynamics and water quality of the aquatic system.
environmental cost of fdi, fdi environment relation, the two faces of fdiThe aim of this study is to examine the impact of FDI inflows on environmental pollution in India. To this effect, this article presents the findings with respect to water temperature.
environmental cost of fdi, fdi environment relation, the two faces of fdiBiochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) has been identified as an indicator of water pollution in the previous article. A level higher than 3mg/L is not suitable for drinking.
environmental cost of fdi, fdi environment relation, the two faces of fdiThis article establishes the methodology adopted for empirically testing the impact of FDI inflows on water pollution of India.
environmental cost of fdi, fdi environment relation, the two faces of fdiIn India, in the last two decades, the inflow of FDI has grown significantly. Similarly, its environmental pollution has also been rising since 1991 due to an increase in economic activity. This article empirically investigates the impact of FDI on air pollution in India.
environmental cost of fdi, fdi environment relation, the two faces of fdiThis article focuses on a number of water pollution indicators and their use in economic studies. This is because indicators of water pollution help analyse the impact of economic growth on the environment.
environmental cost of fdi, fdi environment relation, the two faces of fdi