Breaking boundaries: multidisciplinary approaches to thesis and dissertation writing
Multidisciplinary research holds paramount importance in today's universities. It is seen to break down traditional disciplinary silos by fostering collaborations between researchers from different disciplines. As our ecosystem becomes increasingly complex with issues like climate change, public health crises, and global recessions, the demand for innovative technological solutions with insights from diverse fields is rising. Multidisciplinary research has become a catalyst for holistic exploration, allowing researchers to integrate varied perspectives and methodologies.
This study provides a streamlined yet comprehensive roadmap for effective thesis and dissertation writing for multidisciplinary research. It starts with guidance on how to select a research topic, reviews groundbreaking past multidisciplinary studies using case studies, dissects challenges faced by researchers in conducting multidisciplinary research, and ends with guidance for researchers looking to pursue it professionally or applying it in real-world settings. Whether a novice or experienced researcher, individuals will find valuable strategies and insights to enrich their multidisciplinary research journey.
To understand the foundation of multidisciplinary research
Purpose: The foundation of multidisciplinary research is based on selection of a topic after reviewing critical past studies and identifying the research gaps. The purpose of this goal is to provide guidance on how to create a good multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation.
Method: Review of case studies on successful multidisciplinary studies. These are ‘how to’ articles, therefore expert level knowledge and experience of dissertations, theses, and other academic research is mandatory. It also involves personal reflections.
- Relevance of multidisciplinary research in academia with examples
- Selection of a research topic
- Finding literature across disciplines
- Methodological challenges
- Fostering collaborations
To contribute and publish select a pending milestone.
Introduction to multidisciplinary research
Aim: This is the first milestone in Goal 1. The aim here is to lay the foundation of multidisciplinary research in academia today. It should enlighten researchers about its importance and encourage them to pursue it.
Method: To achieve this milestone, you must write an article showing your reflection based on experience and supported by review of secondary sources. This means that your writing must also reflect your perspective and expertise through examples. However do not use first and second person narration (words like ‘I’, ‘my’, ‘me’, ‘our’, ‘we’, ‘you’, ‘your’ etc.) in your article.
Structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- introduction- what is multidisciplinary research?
- historical context- multidisciplinary research in thesis and dissertations
- importance/ relevance of multidisciplinary research in academia and industry
- challenges in multidisciplinary research for research/ PhD aspirants
- strategies for overcoming the challenges
- examples of successful multidisciplinary theses
- future trends in multidisciplinary research
How to select and define a multidisciplinary thesis topic
Aim: Selecting a research topic is a multilayered process. In case of multidisciplinary research it can be a daunting task due to the involvement of different research paradigms, limiting the scope, and lack of established frameworks. The aim of this milestone is to simplify this process.
Method: In this milestone you must reflect on the challenges you have faced in topic selection as a researcher of multidisciplinary topics and how you overcame them. Therefore, past experience in/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Do not use first person narration words like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below format.
- Understanding a multidisciplinary research question
- How to identify disciplines that intersect
- Process of selecting a multidisciplinary thesis topic
- Examples of successful multidisciplinary theses based on good topics
- Important tips
- Clearly defining objectives
- Importance of collaboration in topic selection
- Aligning the topic with personal research goals
- Future trends in multidisciplinary topics
How to write a groundbreaking multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation?
Aim- the purpose of this milestone is to understand the makings of a good multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation.
Methodology- this milestone will include facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below format.
- Defining a groundbreaking multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation (what makes it ground-breaking?)
- Steps in creation of a groundbreaking multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation
- Step 1- How to identify disciplines that intersect
- Step 2- Selection of a transformative research problem
- Step 3- Advanced techniques for conducting a literature review (how to synthesize literature from diverse disciplines)
- Step 4- Developing a Robust Conceptual Framework and methodology with theories and strategies from multiple disciplines
- Step 5- Navigating Challenges in Multidisciplinary Collaboration- Provide insights into effective communication, conflict resolution, and building a collaborative environment
- Step 6- Ethical considerations in a multidisciplinary thesis
- Creative presentation of multidisciplinary findings- use of use of visual aids, multimedia to express multidisciplinary ideas
- Pioneering researchers and their studies and their impact on technological advancement
Literature review across disciplines
Aim- the purpose of this milestone is to recommend methods and applications to simplify the task of writing the literature review of a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation.
Methodology- this milestone will include personal reflection, facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below format.
- Why it’s different/ challenging to write literature review in a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation
- Identifying relevant disciplines and integrating various disciplinary frameworks
- Addressing Terminological Variances:
- Establishing Interdisciplinary Connections with case example of a real successful multidisciplinary thesis
- Balancing depth and breadth with case example of a real successful multidisciplinary thesis
- Incorporating Diverse Voices with case example of a real successful multidisciplinary thesis
- Collaborative Literature Review Approaches
- Ethical Considerations in Reviewing Multidisciplinary Literature with case example of a real successful multidisciplinary thesis
Research methodology challenges in a multidisciplinary thesis
Aim- Different disciplines of research advocate for different methodological approaches. The aim of this milestone is to guide researchers on how to combine methodological approaches from different disciplines to achieve a multidisciplinary thesis.
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below format.
- Identifying Disciplinary Differences- Explore variations in epistemology, ontology, and research paradigms and challenges posed in integrating them. give examples of real theses and dissertations.
- Balancing Quantitative and Qualitative Methods to achieve the research goal
- Data collection disparities due to differences in sample sizes, data types, etc. . give examples of real theses and dissertations.
- Integrating analytical approaches from different disciplines. give examples of real theses and dissertations.
- Managing timelines in data collection
- Communication strategies for methodological explanation in multidisciplinary theses. give examples of real theses and dissertations.
- Complexity management
Collaboration between researchers from different disciplines for multidisciplinary research
Aim: nowadays people from different disciplines are coming together to create research milestones on multidisciplinary topics. In this milestone the purpose is to explain how to find the right partner from another discipline for your multidisciplinary research, smoothly carry out the research and finally write and publish the paper.
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- Finding the right co-researcher from various sources. Explain selection criteria for selecting the researcher. How to approach them? (via email/ linkedin messaging, etc.)? What to write in the message (request + credentials, etc) ? how to convey the research focus or goal?
- Establishing a common research goal (give examples from real papers)
- Defining disciplinary goals- discuss the importance of defining goals, individual contributions and responsibilities
- Effective communication strategies- use of clear language, regular meetings, and collaborative tools to enhance communication
- Bridging Disciplinary Jargon- developing a shared glossary or common language to bridge communication gaps
- Cross-disciplinary training and workshops- what type of workshops? How to choose them? (give examples)
- How to manage multidisciplinary conflicts?
- Co-authorship guidelines to follow ((give examples from real papers)
How to write the theoretical framework in a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation?
Aim: the purpose of this milestone is to explain researchers how it does not have to be difficult to create a theoretical framework from theories of different disciplines of research.
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- Identifying relevant theories from different disciplines
- Creating a Conceptual Synthesis- how to identify common concepts, themes, or constructs for multidisciplinary thesis with examples from real thesis
- Involving people from different disciplines to bring their viewpoints
- How to identify theoretical gaps in multidisciplinary thesis
- Next step- creating hypotheses
To create applied strategies for multidisciplinary research
Purpose: The purpose of this goal is to provide practical guidance on selecting and defining a multidisciplinary research topic. It purports to simplify the process of completing a dissertation or thesis in multidisciplinary research and also pursue further opportunities in the arena, either professionally or academically.
Method: Review of case studies on successful multidisciplinary studies. These are ‘how to’ articles, therefore expert level knowledge and experience of dissertations, theses, and other academic research is mandatory. It also involves personal reflections.
- Data analysis across disciplines
- Peer review process in multidisciplinary research
- Applying multidisciplinary research in real-world settings
- Addressing ethical issues in multidisciplinary research
To contribute and publish select a pending milestone.
How to create a hypothesis in a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation
Aim: in a multidisciplinary thesis there are variables and goals from different concepts. The purpose of this milestone is to explain how researchers can bring them together cohesively to make a balanced hypothesis that serves multiple disciplines
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
We already have some articles on hypothesis creation. Visit them here, here, here, and here. You may link some portions of this milestone to those articles instead of repeating the same content.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- Identifying key variables in a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation (give examples from real thesis)
- Prioritising different disciplines in a thesis or dissertation on multidisciplinary subject
- Connecting the hypotheses to research goals with required emphasis on all concepts
- Connecting hypotheses to appropriate research methods
- Addressing validity and reliability concerns in multidisciplinary thesis
- Case studies
Data analysis in a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation
Aim- since the research methodology of a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation can be complex, data analysis is bound to be complex too. It may involve different types of analysis. The purpose of this milestone is to simplify the process of deciding how to approach analysis in a multidisciplinary thesis.
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
We already have some a series of articles on how do perform data analysis. Visit them here. Link some portions of this milestone to those articles instead of repeating the same content.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- Integrating datasets from different sources and disciplines
- Use a unified analytical framework
- How to conduct disciplinary-specific analysis (use real life thesis examples)
- Synthesize findings from different disciplines cohesively
- Cross validation of findings
- Visualisation of data and communication of research findings
How to write a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation to communicate effectively
Purpose: Different disciplines in academia follow different writing styles. For example, a technical subject thesis contains more diagrams, calculations/ development, demonstrations, etc. whereas an Arts-based subject will have more theoretical explanations. The goal of this milestone is to guide researchers who are pursuing multidisciplinary thesis to write an effective thesis in such a way that it communicates well with all audiences.
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- Challenges in communicating a multidisciplinary thesis to different audiences
- Tips to write a multidisciplinary thesis which communicates effectively
- Structure
- Language/ tone
- Elements of focus (how to decide which is more important, theory or application in the thesis chapters?)
- Visual representation
- Terminology
- Cultural and regional differences (for example if a part of the study is based on another country/ region, how should the researcher reflect it in his thesis?)
- Concluding the thesis- should it focus on philosophical implications or societal relevance or both?
Peer review in multidisciplinary research
Purpose: peer review is an important part of the research publication process. The purpose of this article is to explain how peer review process takes place in case of a multidisciplinary journal and how researchers can write papers keeping in mind reviewers from different disciplines.
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- Peer review process in multidisciplinary journals
- Editorial screening, selection of peer reviewers, anonymous reviews, evaluation and feedback, editorial decision, publication (change this as necessary)
- Why is peer review important in multidisciplinary research
- Incorporating feedback from reviewers in a multidisciplinary paper
- Examples from successful multidisciplinary papers
- Changing trends in multidisciplinary journals
Ethical considerations in a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation
Aim: the purpose of this article is to look beyond the usual ethical considerations in case of a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation.
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore, prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- How to observe and write the primary ethical considerations for a multidisciplinary thesis- explain the usual elements but from the perspective of a multidisciplinary topic. Give examples of successful theses from the past.
- Conflict of interest- Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from your research.
- Cultural sensitivity- ek appropriate guidance and approvals, especially in disciplines like anthropology or cultural studies.
- Environmental impact, if any
- Community engagement, if any (for community-based research)
- Social impact (in case of social studies)
- Open access and data sharing
Applying a multidisciplinary thesis in a real world setting
Aim: little is known about the value of practical application of a multidisciplinary thesis. this article disseminates knowledge about how researchers can take their research forward and apply them in real world settings.
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore, prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- Steps in applying a multidisciplinary thesis/ dissertation in a real world setting
- Engaging with stakeholders from different disciplines- how to communicate the research with them and bring their interests in alignment?
- Collaborating with industry professionals- how to align multiple disciplines industry professionals in a common goal?
- Developing prototypes/ solutions in case of technical research
- Policy recommendations for multiple purposes/ areas- how to create strategies and policies that fit different objectives?
- Media outreach- how to communicate with the intended audience using media keeping in mind its multidisciplinary nature?
- Ways of implementing a multidisciplinary thesis or dissertation in a real life setting
- Forming startups with people from different disciplines (provide examples)
- Offering consultancy services for people from different disciplines (provide examples)
- Conduction workshops (provide examples)
- Developing a grant application for further research (provide examples)
Future trends in multidisciplinary research
Aim: the purpose of this article is to enlighten people who are considering to undertake multidisciplinary research about the future trends in the field.
Methodology- this milestone will contain facts and examples. Therefore prior experience/ exposure to multidisciplinary research is preferred. Give your personal reflection too without making use of first person narration and second person narration like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and second person narration like ‘you’ and ‘your’. Use theory scantily.
Presentation/ structure: To achieve this milestone, write an article in the below structure.
- Present situation of multidisciplinary research with leading examples from worldwide universities of successful research
- Future trends
- Data science/ interdisciplinary analytics- explan different applications and methodological approaches that have come up in recent years for multidisciplinary research
- Sustainability research and climate change- how it is set to intensify (provide figures and statistics on growing number of multidisciplinary research in this field)
- Social sciences and technology integration with recent examples
- Interdisciplinary arts and sciences with recent examples
- Integration of AI with recent examples