In today's world, research competency is required to properly assess articles, cite relevant sources, generate high-quality work, and comprehend publication requirements. This module aims to provide learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their research and publication activities. The study topic chosen for examination is "How do modern Indian authors portray the emotional experiences of disabled individuals?". Participants will improve their academic skills and scholarly impact by learning the fundamentals of research and publication.

Goal 1

Composing a Literature Review

Goal 1 is to improve participants' capacity to identify existing literature effectively. Participants build a solid basis for their research pursuits by learning the skill of literature identification, systematic paper evaluation, and correct citation, assuring alignment with contemporary scientific discourse and academic standards.


To contribute and publish select a pending milestone.


There are no completed milestones.

Literature identification
Review of literature
Citation using Mendeley
Goal 2

Exploring writing & publication

Goal 2 is to improve participants' writing and analytical skills. Participants improve their scholarly communication and critical evaluation abilities by learning how to write engaging introductions and undertake empirical analyses. 


To contribute and publish select a pending milestone.


There are no completed milestones.

Introduction paragraph writing
Empirical review writing