Performance appraisal system in Infosys

By Rajalakshmi Rahul on August 15, 2012

An effective and well-managed performance appraisal system is one of the best ways to provide an ongoing support system. It can give both individuals and managers a structured system to achieve goals and targets successfully without the need for close supervision. A performance appraisal system also exalts the quality of the organizational decisions ranging from allocation of rewards to layoffs, transfers and promotions (Grote et, al, 2005). They also exalt the employee decision quality ranging from choices of career to decisions about where to raise one’s effort and time. Now organizational success is based on the individual and employee performance. Managers who know how to make the best use of the performance appraisal system are more effective managers.

An overview of the performance appraisal system of Infosys, India

Infosys believes in meritocracy and has built a high-performance work culture among its workforce. To align the employee’s performance with Infosys’s business goals, regular performance-driven appraisals are conducted. Infosys has three tracks for its performance appraisal system (Rao and Rao, 2004; Fernando, 2010).

Track 1

The first track deals with a review of performance relying on feedback and tasks on technical/ personality competencies. Infosys is moving to a role-based structure and competencies for each of the roles with standard expected levels of behaviours. Training needs are derived based on task evaluations and competency feedback.

Track 2

The second track is the senior management appraisal. People in managerial roles undergo this annually. Here the employee fills up a self-appraisal form and carries it forward to a panel of discussion. The panel includes:

  • The head of the department.
  • The immediate supervisor of the appraisal.
  • Senior management personnel from another department.

Promotions are decided on the basis of their review (Khan and Jain, 2004).

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Track 3

360-degree appraisal constitutes the third track. This has been happening over the last 3 years for all departments and practice units. Levels covered include the head of delivery, heads of departments/practice units, all the people who report to the heads and all others holding leadership positions in the organization.


  • Venkateswara Rao T and Rao T V (2004), Performance management and appraisal systems: HR tools for global competitiveness, SAGE, London
  • Khan M Y and Jain P K (2004), Financial Management: Text, Problems and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
  • Fernando A C (2010), Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, Dorling Kindersley, New Delhi


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