Recruitment and retention challenge for meeting workplace diversity and inclusivity laws in India
Contemporary businesses are evolving at a pace that has never been witnessed before, and one of the most critical changes taking place is diversity in the workplace. Organizational HR policies promoting inclusivity and diversity aim to engage a diverse workforce, opitimise their productivity and maximise their commitment towards the company. However, organisations encounter several challenges in recruiting, retaining, and managing a diverse workforce. It thus becomes pertinent to identify strategies that have been implemented around the world in recent years to this effect.
Some countries like India have also introduced government policies to promote workplace diversity. In India several workplace laws protecting the rights of minority sections like women, LGBTQ+, persons with disabilities, and persons belonging to protected categories have been introduced in recent years. However, the problem is that medium and small-scale companies are unacquainted with such laws, while large-scale companies have reported difficulties in meeting the goals. This study aims to understand the recent HR policies introduced by India’s large and medium scale companies to adhere to the recent diversity laws and the challenges faced in this regard.
To identify contemporary organizational HR strategies for recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce
Purpose: India has perpetually faced the problem of a lack of diversity in the workforce, despite the many recent advancements in the business ecosystem. In order to protect the rights of minority and often neglected groups, India announced many laws in recent years. The purpose of this goal is to review these laws, implementation methods followed by companies, and challenges faced in the process, using secondary data.
Method: Systematic review, critical review and literature review methods will be used to identify the factors.
To contribute and publish select a pending milestone.
- 1500 words
- unpaid
- 4 days later
- No files attached
Aim: Workplace diversity has been a debatable topic in India. Due to the country’s deeply-rooted patriarchy, cultural and regional differences, and societal norms, organisations have often reported a lack of diversity concerning gender, caste, religion, and sexual orientation. The goal off this milestone is to review the major challenges faced by Indian companies in managing workplace diversity.
Method: Perform a Literature review from 15-20 sources of secondary data. Use only journal articles for the review. They must not be older than 2018. Explain each factor individually.
Structure: To achieve this milestone, write a 1500 words article in the below structure. You may use diagrams/tables for illustrations but do not copy-paste them directly. You should also provide some statistics on the growth of online influencer marketing.
- Introduction to the importance of workplace diversity in India
- Benefit of workplace diversity for companies
- Workplace diversity challenges in India
- Cultural challenges in workplace diversity
- Communication, collaboration and team dynamics
- Impact on workplace practices and expectations
- Societal norms and expectations
- Gender expections
- Caste and religion dynamics
- Impact on organizational culture
- Legal issues
- Issues/ ambiguities/ challenges in compliance with workplace diversity laws
- Practical challenges in adherence to workplace diversity laws
- Organizational challenges
- Leadership commitment to diversity
- Causes of employee resistance and strategies for mitigating bias
- Finding the right talent from the diverse pool
- Case studies of Indian companies which have successfully overcome these challenges (should not be older than 2015)
- Conclusion
- References
- Cultural challenges in workplace diversity
- Size 1500 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 4 days later
- For all
- 2000 words
- unpaid
- 4 days later
- No files attached
Aim: India’s human resource policies have undergone a dramatic shift recently with the announcement of diversity and inclusivity laws for business organisations. In response, companies have instilled workplace diversity and human resource policies. The purpose of this milestone is firstly to review these laws. Secondly, this milestone reviews some of the popular strategies and policies introduced by companies in order to adhere to these laws. Small, medium, and large-scale companies will be taken into consideration.
Method: Perform a Literature review from 15-20 sources of secondary data. Use only journal articles for the review. They must not be older than 2018. Explain each factor individually.
Structure: To achieve this milestone, write a 1500-2000 words article in the below structure. You may use diagrams/tables for illustrations but do not copy-paste them directly. You should also provide some statistics on the growth of online influencer marketing.
- Introduction to workplace diversity and inclusivity laws in India
- Historical context of workplace diversity in India (justify the need for these laws)
- The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act)
- About the Act
- Evolution of the Act over time
- Implications in practice
- The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (PoSH Act):
- About the Act
- Evolution of the Act over time
- Implications in practice
- The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
- About the Act
- Evolution of the Act over time
- Implications in practice
- The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019:
- About the Act
- Evolution of the Act over time
- Implications in practice
- Recent developments- Proposed Code on Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions (2020), and Reporting Requirement for Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Data (2023).
- Examples of HRM Policies and strategies introduced in small, medium and large scale companies in response to these laws
- Example 1- small scale company
- Example 2- medium scale company
- Example 2- large scale company
- Conclusion
- References
- Size 2000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 4 days later
- For all
- 1500 words
- unpaid
- 4 days later
- No files attached
Aim: A healthy workplace diversity has always been a challenge for India. India has traditionally reported bias against people based on gender, caste, religion, community, and sexual orientation. However, organisations and their HR departments have actively pursued strategies to boost diversity. The purpose of this milestone is to review the most critical strategies and policies instated by Indian companies to recruit and retain a diverse workforce in contemporary times.
Method: Conduct a systematic review of at least 30 research papers published in A-category journals after 2018. All these studies must have some kind of primary research. Out of the 30 papers, 15 must show the strategies/ policies for recruitment of a diverse workforce, and the remaining 15 must show the strategies/ policies for retaining a diverse workforce. All the studies must be based on India and can carry a mix of small, medium and large scale companies.
Have a clear inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure the selection of relevant and high-quality research. Employ the PRISMA diagram to transparently depict the studies' selection process.
Structure: To achieve this milestone, write a 1500 words article following the below structure.
- Introduction:
- Explain the importance of workplace diversity in India today.
- Recruitment and retention as important HRM functions to maintain workplace diversity.
- Introduction to the role of organizational HRM strategies and policies in order to maintain workplace diversity.
- Aim of the article: specify the aim of this article, i.e. to systematically review the strategies and policies used for recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce in India
- Methodology: Introduce your chosen methodology, i.e., systematic review of literature. Explain the elements you will focus on. Also briefly state the importance of choosing this method.
- Studies selection process: Clearly articulate the criteria used for selecting studies such as keywords used, and sources or libraries used.
- Inclusion and exclusion criteria: explain the criteria employed to include or exclude studies, like year of publication, language, format, publication credibility, etc.
- PRISMA diagram: Present the PRISMA diagram to visually depict the systematic review process and highlight the number of studies at each stage.
- Analysis: This is the main section presenting the systematic review. It will have two tables:
- Systematic review table 1- Recruitment strategies for managing workforce diversity in India: Prepare a table containing columns for author and year, study aim, methodology, variables used, key findings, and study limitations. Here is an example. All the 15 studies must be included in this table.
- Discussion
- Systematic review table 2- Retention strategies for managing workforce diversity in India: Prepare a table containing columns for author and year, study aim, methodology, variables used, key findings, and study limitations. Here is an example. All the 15 studies must be included in this table.
- Discussion
- Discussion: Summarize and synthesize the findings from the selected studies.
- Conclusion: Summarize the key findings
- References
- Size 1500 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 4 days later
- For all
- 1000 words
- unpaid
- 4 days later
- No files attached
Aim: A healthy workplace diversity has always been a challenge for India. India has traditionally reported bias against people based on gender, caste, religion, community, and sexual orientation at the workplace. However, its implications, especially the positive ones, cannot be denied. The purpose of this milestone is to critically review the implications of having a diverse workforce in Indian companies.
Methodology: Critical review does not only mean negative criticism. Your critique must be sufficiently substantiated and supported with facts. For example, although a diverse workforce can being more creativity and innovation in accompany, the downside can be the communication challenges. Give proof with figures and references to justify your point.
In case of this milestone, select 25-30 journal articles which have explored the implication of a diverse workforce for India. Perform an in-depth critical review of the articles. Emphasis should be laid on relative merits and demerits of the diverse workforce. Furthermore, only those articles to be included which are dated 2015 and post that. Examples of some articles are here, here, here.
Structure: To achieve this milestone write a 1000 words article in the following format:
- Introduction
- The need for a diverse workforce in contemporary times
- What does a diverse workforce constitute?
- Workplace diversity in India (present situation)
- Critique- A critical analysis of the problem. Provide evidence with references for your critical assessment.
- Innovation and creativity
- Improved decision making
- Employee engagement
- Market competitiveness
- Legal and social expectations
- Leadership and role modeling
- Discussion- Present a table summarizing the findings.
- Conclusion: Summarize the key findings
- References
- Size 1000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 4 days later
- For all
- 1500 words
- unpaid
- 4 days later
- No files attached
Note : prior experience in making systematic review is mandatory.
Aim: A healthy workplace diversity has always been a challenge for India. However, in recent years the country has introduced laws to boost diversity in organisations on the basis of gender, religion, caste, community, sexual orientation, physical abilities, etc. Organisations, especially large ones, have responded by instating HR policies for recruitment and management of a diverse workforce. The purpose of this milestone is to review the factors influencing workplace diversity in Indian organisations.
Method: Conduct a systematic review of at least 30 research papers published in A-category journals after 2018. All these studies must have some kind of primary research. They must all be based on the factors affecting workplace diversity in Indian companies. All the studies must be based on India and can carry a mix of small, medium and large scale companies.
Have a clear inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure the selection of relevant and high-quality research. Employ the PRISMA diagram to transparently depict the studies' selection process.
Structure: To achieve this milestone, write a 1500 words article following the below structure.
- Introduction:
- Explain the importance of workplace diversity in India today.
- Why diversity cannot be the same everywhere, especially in India
- Aim of the article: specify the aim of this article, i.e. to systematically review the factors affecting workplace diversity in Indian companies.
- Methodology: Introduce your chosen methodology, i.e., systematic review of literature. Explain the elements you will focus on. Also briefly state the importance of choosing this method.
- Studies selection process: Clearly articulate the criteria used for selecting studies such as keywords used, and sources or libraries used.
- Inclusion and exclusion criteria: explain the criteria employed to include or exclude studies, like year of publication, language, format, publication credibility, etc.
- PRISMA diagram: Present the PRISMA diagram to visually depict the systematic review process and highlight the number of studies at each stage.
- Analysis: This is the main section presenting the systematic review. It will have a table and a discussion paragraph.
- Systematic review table- Factors affecting workplace diversity in India (cultural and social norms, educational disparities leading to lack of talent, language, inclusivity policies, legal requirements, nepotism, workplace harassment and discrimination, improper leadership, global trends, etc. Prepare a table containing columns for author and year, study aim, methodology, variables used, key findings, and study limitations. Here is an example. All the 15 studies must be included in this table.
- Discussion
- Discussion: Summarize and synthesize the findings from the selected studies.
- Conclusion: Summarize the key findings
- References
- Size 1500 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 4 days later
- For all
- 1000 words
- unpaid
- 4 days later
- No files attached
Note: You cannot work on this milestone unless all the previous milestones in Goal 1 have been completed.
Note 2: This milestone involves preparing an open-ended questionnaire.
Note 3: prior experience in making conceptual frameworks and questionnaires is mandatory.
Background: A healthy workplace diversity has always been a challenge for India. However, in recent years the country has introduced laws to boost diversity in organisations on the basis of gender, religion, caste, community, sexual orientation, physical abilities, etc. Therefore companies have introduced policies to recruit and retain a diverse workforce.
Aim: So far in this study, we have reviewed:
- India’s workplace diversity laws and human resource policies
- Challenges in managing workplace diversity in India
- Systematic review of recruitment and retention strategies for enabling workplace diversity in India
- Implications of a diverse workforce for Indian companies
- Factors influencing workplace diversity in India
The purpose of this milestone is to create a conceptual framework diagram which shows the relationship between:
- Factors influencing workplace diversity (independent variable)
- Recruitment and retention strategies for workplace diversity (independent variable)
- Workplace diversity societal and legal situation in India (independent variable)
- Challenges in workplace diversity in India (dependent variable)
Method: This conceptual framework diagram must be constructed through a synthesis of key themes identified in the literature reviews. The diagram must represent four distinct boxes:
- Factors influencing workplace diversity and its sub-variables
- Recruitment and retention strategies for workplace diversity and its sub-variables
- Workplace diversity societal and legal situation in India and its sub-variables
- Challenges in workplace diversity in India and its sub-variables
Refer to this article for an example conceptual framework diagram. You can also use your own.
Then, prepare the interview questionnaire for HR representatives of 5 large-scale companies in India. The questions must pertain to:
- Their company’s recruitment and retention policies for diversity
- Factors which influence their diversity policies
- Challenges faced in implementing the policies
- Implications of hiring a diverse workforce
Structure: To achieve this milestone, prepare a 800 words article in the below structure AND a set of 10-12 interview questions.
- Introduction- summarise the findings from all the previous milestones in Goal 1. Do not copy-paste anything. It must be a constructive synthesis rather than repasting.
- Conceptual framework DIAGRAM.
- Explanatory paragraph for the diagram: explain your dependent variables, independent variable
- Concluding paragraph: Summarize the key findings
- Interview questions (in a separate document)
- Size 1000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 4 days later
- For all
Goal 2: To examine empirically the recruitment and retention strategies applied by Indian companies to adhere to workplace diversity laws and the challenges faced therein.
Purpose: Five large-scale companies based in India are interviewed about their recruitment and retention strategies for diverse employees (women, transgender, people with physical disabilities, people belonging to minority caste and religion). The purpose of this goal is to identify the challenges and outcomes of these strategies. In the end methods to maximise the outcome of these strategies will be proposed, so that the inclusivity and diversity laws of India are adhered to.
Method: Case study analysis
To contribute and publish select a pending milestone.
- 1000 words
- unpaid
- 4 days later
- No files attached
Note 1: This milestone cannot be achieved until the previous milestone ‘Conceptual framework of recruitment and retention policies for workplace diversity’ is completed.
Note 2: This article will reflect on the questionnaire developed in the milestone ‘Conceptual framework of recruitment and retention policies for workplace diversity’ in Goal 1. Obtain a copy of the questionnaire from the Module Creator.
Note 3: Prior experience in writing research methodologies is mandatory for working on this milestone.
Aim: This is the first article in Goal 2 of this study. Overall, the goal is to use primary data of HR representatives from India’s large and medium scale companies to find out the challenges they face in recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce in order to adhere to India’s workplace diversity laws. The purpose of this particular milestone is to explain the methodological process undertaken to achieve this goal.
Background: Primary data collection is going to take place via interviews. 5 companies’ HR representatives will be selected and interviewed to understand in depth the following:
- Their company’s recruitment and retention policies for diversity
- Factors which influence their diversity policies
- Challenges faced in implementing the policies
- Implications of hiring a diverse workforce
Method: Since the purpose of this milestone is to explain the methodology of interviews, do not explain any theory. This means that avoid the meaning and definitions of concepts like ‘primary data’, ‘purposive sampling’ etc. Stick to the justification of your approach only. You need to reflect on the following approaches:
- Type of data used (qualitative)
- Target respondent profile (explaining the characteristics of the chosen population such as their role in th company, number of years spent in the firm, total number of years of experience, etc.)
- Sampling process (sample size calculation, sampling type- purposive sampling)
- Questionnaire (types of questions, development process, and administration process)
- Data collection process (how the respondents were identified, where they were approached, how many rounds of data collection took place (multiple rounds of telephone interviews until the desired sample size was achieved)
- Data analysis process (case study analysis)
Use references to support and justify your approaches.
Structure: to achieve this milestone, write a 1000 words article in the following structure.
- Introduction to the overall study and goal 2.
- Findings of the conceptual framework (brief description of the previous milestone)
- Introduction to our chosen methodology (use of primary data to achieve the goal)
- Data type used (Qualitative)
- Target population profile
- Sampling type (purposive)
- Data collection process
- Data analysis method
- Concluding paragraph: Reiterate the expected findings from the proposed hypotheses.
- References
- Size 1000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 4 days later
- For all
- 1000 words
- unpaid
- 6 days later
- No files attached
Note 1: This milestone is in continuation of the previous milestone ‘An empirical approach to understand workplace diversity challenges in India’. Therefore you cannot work on this until the previous milestone is completed.
Note 2: This milestone is based on the examination of interview transcript of the company. Obtain a copy of the transcript from the module creator.
Note 3: This milestone involves the case study analysis method. Therefore knowledge and experience in performing case study analysis is mandatory.
Aim: The overall purpose of this study is to examine the recruitment and retention related challenges faced by companies in adhering to the laws pertaining to workplace diversity. So far in this module, we have theoretically examined the different workplace diversity laws present in India like RPWA Act, PoSH Act, etc. Now, with this milestone, the purpose is to examine the empirical evidence (present in the form of interview transcripts) collected by the module creator from 5 different companies and analyse using the case study analysis method the challenges faced by them in implementing/ meeting the diversity laws.
Method: As mentioned above, use the case study analysis method to analyse the interview of ANY ONE COMPANY. Follow the below steps:
- Examine the secondary data from all the milestones in ‘Goal 1’. Understand the theory and background of the study.
- Study the questionnaire. Obtain it from the module creator.
- Examine and study the transcript.
- Connect the transcript to four primary points:
- The company’s recruitment and retention policies for diversity
- Factors which influence their diversity policies
- Challenges faced in implementing the policies
- Implications of hiring a diverse workforce
- Note down the patterns and themes arising from the transcript in the following way:
- Strategies
- Factor on which each strategy is based
- Laws fulfilled by each strategy
- Outcomes of each strategy
Structure: to achieve this milestone, write a 1000 words article in the following structure.
- Introduction to the overall goal of this study
- Introduction to the case company
- Review of the questions asked to the company
- Case study analysis of the company
- Demographic background of the interviewee
- Recruitment Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Recruitment Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Factor on which that strategy is based (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Discussion – explain what was the main argument of this study? what did we find from the primary data? How does it differ/ correlate to our secondary data findings?
- Conclusion
- References
- Size 1000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 6 days later
- For all
- 1000 words
- unpaid
- 6 days later
- No files attached
Note 1: This milestone is in continuation of the previous milestone ‘An empirical approach to understand workplace diversity challenges in India’. Therefore you cannot work on this until the previous milestone is completed.
Note 2: This milestone is based on the examination of interview transcript of the company. Obtain a copy of the transcript from the module creator.
Note 3: This milestone involves the case study analysis method. Therefore knowledge and experience in performing case study analysis is mandatory.
Aim: The overall purpose of this study is to examine the recruitment and retention related challenges faced by companies in adhering to the laws pertaining to workplace diversity. So far in this module, we have theoretically examined the different workplace diversity laws present in India like RPWA Act, PoSH Act, etc. Now, with this milestone, the purpose is to examine the empirical evidence (present in the form of interview transcripts) collected by the module creator from 5 different companies and analyse using the case study analysis method the challenges faced by them in implementing/ meeting the diversity laws.
Method: As mentioned above, use the case study analysis method to analyse the interview of ANY ONE COMPANY. Follow the below steps:
- Examine the secondary data from all the milestones in ‘Goal 1’. Understand the theory and background of the study.
- Study the questionnaire. Obtain it from the module creator.
- Examine and study the transcript.
- Connect the transcript to four primary points:
- The company’s recruitment and retention policies for diversity
- Factors which influence their diversity policies
- Challenges faced in implementing the policies
- Implications of hiring a diverse workforce
- Note down the patterns and themes arising from the transcript in the following way:
- Strategies
- Factor on which each strategy is based
- Laws fulfilled by each strategy
- Outcomes of each strategy
Structure: to achieve this milestone, write a 1000 words article in the following structure.
- Introduction to the overall goal of this study
- Introduction to the case company
- Review of the questions asked to the company
- Case study analysis of the company
- Demographic background of the interviewee
- Recruitment Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Recruitment Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Factor on which that strategy is based (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Discussion – explain what was the main argument of this study? what did we find from the primary data? How does it differ/ correlate to our secondary data findings?
- Conclusion
- References
- Size 1000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 6 days later
- For all
- 1000 words
- unpaid
- 6 days later
- No files attached
Note 1: This milestone is in continuation of the previous milestone ‘An empirical approach to understand workplace diversity challenges in India’. Therefore you cannot work on this until the previous milestone is completed.
Note 2: This milestone is based on the examination of interview transcript of the company. Obtain a copy of the transcript from the module creator.
Note 3: This milestone involves the case study analysis method. Therefore knowledge and experience in performing case study analysis is mandatory.
Aim: The overall purpose of this study is to examine the recruitment and retention related challenges faced by companies in adhering to the laws pertaining to workplace diversity. So far in this module, we have theoretically examined the different workplace diversity laws present in India like RPWA Act, PoSH Act, etc. Now, with this milestone, the purpose is to examine the empirical evidence (present in the form of interview transcripts) collected by the module creator from 5 different companies and analyse using the case study analysis method the challenges faced by them in implementing/ meeting the diversity laws.
Method: As mentioned above, use the case study analysis method to analyse the interview of ANY ONE COMPANY. Follow the below steps:
- Examine the secondary data from all the milestones in ‘Goal 1’. Understand the theory and background of the study.
- Study the questionnaire. Obtain it from the module creator.
- Examine and study the transcript.
- Connect the transcript to four primary points:
- The company’s recruitment and retention policies for diversity
- Factors which influence their diversity policies
- Challenges faced in implementing the policies
- Implications of hiring a diverse workforce
- Note down the patterns and themes arising from the transcript in the following way:
- Strategies
- Factor on which each strategy is based
- Laws fulfilled by each strategy
- Outcomes of each strategy
Structure: to achieve this milestone, write a 1000 words article in the following structure.
- Introduction to the overall goal of this study
- Introduction to the case company
- Review of the questions asked to the company
- Case study analysis of the company
- Demographic background of the interviewee
- Recruitment Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Recruitment Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Factor on which that strategy is based (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Discussion – explain what was the main argument of this study? what did we find from the primary data? How does it differ/ correlate to our secondary data findings?
- Conclusion
- References
- Size 1000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 6 days later
- For all
- 1000 words
- unpaid
- 6 days later
- No files attached
Note 1: This milestone is in continuation of the previous milestone ‘An empirical approach to understand workplace diversity challenges in India’. Therefore you cannot work on this until the previous milestone is completed.
Note 2: This milestone is based on the examination of interview transcript of the company. Obtain a copy of the transcript from the module creator.
Note 3: This milestone involves the case study analysis method. Therefore knowledge and experience in performing case study analysis is mandatory.
Aim: The overall purpose of this study is to examine the recruitment and retention related challenges faced by companies in adhering to the laws pertaining to workplace diversity. So far in this module, we have theoretically examined the different workplace diversity laws present in India like RPWA Act, PoSH Act, etc. Now, with this milestone, the purpose is to examine the empirical evidence (present in the form of interview transcripts) collected by the module creator from 5 different companies and analyse using the case study analysis method the challenges faced by them in implementing/ meeting the diversity laws.
Method: As mentioned above, use the case study analysis method to analyse the interview of ANY ONE COMPANY. Follow the below steps:
- Examine the secondary data from all the milestones in ‘Goal 1’. Understand the theory and background of the study.
- Study the questionnaire. Obtain it from the module creator.
- Examine and study the transcript.
- Connect the transcript to four primary points:
- The company’s recruitment and retention policies for diversity
- Factors which influence their diversity policies
- Challenges faced in implementing the policies
- Implications of hiring a diverse workforce
- Note down the patterns and themes arising from the transcript in the following way:
- Strategies
- Factor on which each strategy is based
- Laws fulfilled by each strategy
- Outcomes of each strategy
Structure: to achieve this milestone, write a 1000 words article in the following structure.
- Introduction to the overall goal of this study
- Introduction to the case company
- Review of the questions asked to the company
- Case study analysis of the company
- Demographic background of the interviewee
- Recruitment Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Recruitment Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Factor on which that strategy is based (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Discussion – explain what was the main argument of this study? what did we find from the primary data? How does it differ/ correlate to our secondary data findings?
- Conclusion
- References
- Size 1000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 6 days later
- For all
- 1000 words
- unpaid
- 6 days later
- No files attached
Note 1: This milestone is in continuation of the previous milestone ‘An empirical approach to understand workplace diversity challenges in India’. Therefore you cannot work on this until the previous milestone is completed.
Note 2: This milestone is based on the examination of interview transcript of the company. Obtain a copy of the transcript from the module creator.
Note 3: This milestone involves the case study analysis method. Therefore knowledge and experience in performing case study analysis is mandatory.
Aim: The overall purpose of this study is to examine the recruitment and retention related challenges faced by companies in adhering to the laws pertaining to workplace diversity. So far in this module, we have theoretically examined the different workplace diversity laws present in India like RPWA Act, PoSH Act, etc. Now, with this milestone, the purpose is to examine the empirical evidence (present in the form of interview transcripts) collected by the module creator from 5 different companies and analyse using the case study analysis method the challenges faced by them in implementing/ meeting the diversity laws.
Method: As mentioned above, use the case study analysis method to analyse the interview of ANY ONE COMPANY. Follow the below steps:
- Examine the secondary data from all the milestones in ‘Goal 1’. Understand the theory and background of the study.
- Study the questionnaire. Obtain it from the module creator.
- Examine and study the transcript.
- Connect the transcript to four primary points:
- The company’s recruitment and retention policies for diversity
- Factors which influence their diversity policies
- Challenges faced in implementing the policies
- Implications of hiring a diverse workforce
- Note down the patterns and themes arising from the transcript in the following way:
- Strategies
- Factor on which each strategy is based
- Laws fulfilled by each strategy
- Outcomes of each strategy
Structure: to achieve this milestone, write a 1000 words article in the following structure.
- Introduction to the overall goal of this study
- Introduction to the case company
- Review of the questions asked to the company
- Case study analysis of the company
- Demographic background of the interviewee
- Recruitment Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Recruitment Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 1 implemented for workplace diversity
- Factor on which that strategy is based (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Retention Strategy 2 implemented for workplace diversity
- Background of the strategy (whom it targets, what the strategy is, process, etc)
- Law(s) fulfilled by the strategy
- Challenges faced in implementing/ achieving the goals of the strategy (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Outcome of the strategy vis-à-vis the expected outcomes (vis-à-vis theoretical findings)
- Discussion – explain what was the main argument of this study? what did we find from the primary data? How does it differ/ correlate to our secondary data findings?
- Conclusion
- References
- Size 1000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 6 days later
- For all
- 1000 words
- unpaid
- 6 days later
- No files attached
Note: This is the concluding milestone of the study. You must not proceed with it unless all the previous milestones in Goals 1 and 2 have been completed.
Aim: The purpose of the overall study was to find out the challenges faced by India’s large-scale companies in recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce. There are several diversity laws introduced in recent times in India. ‘Diversity’ can relate to gender, sexual orientation, case, religion, physical disabilities, etc. So far in the study we have completed secondary data analysis using literature review, and primary data analysis using interviews. The purpose of this final milestone is to conclude the study and recommend ways for companies to address the challenges.
Method: Go through all the previous milestones. Understand the findings of the primary and secondary data and connect them. Reflect on the interviewed participants’ experiences to determine recruitment and retention strategies they have applied in order to adhere to Indian law, as well as the challenges faced by them. Accordingly, draw from the experiences of other companies (from any other country), and recommend suitable strategies/ remedial measures to address these challenges.
Structure: To achieve this milestone, prepare a 1000 words article in the following structure.
- Introduction to the objectives of this study
- Discussion of findings from secondary data
- Discussion of findings from primary data in comparison to secondary data
- What and why are the particular challenges faced by the company?
- Suggested strategies
- Concluding paragraph- shed light on how this study can be taken further by other researchers. Also explain how the findings can be put to practice by managers in companies across the world who are trying to diversify the workforce in their large scale company.
- Size 1000 words
- Type unpaid
- Deadline 6 days later
- For all