Contemporary businesses are evolving at a pace that has never been witnessed before, and one of the most critical changes taking place is diversity in the workplace. Organizational HR policies promoting inclusivity and diversity aim to engage a diverse workforce, opitimise their productivity and maximise their commitment towards the company. However,  organisations encounter several challenges in recruiting, retaining, and managing a diverse workforce. It thus becomes pertinent to identify strategies that have been implemented around the world in recent years to this effect.

Some countries like India have also introduced government policies to promote workplace diversity. In India several workplace laws protecting the rights of minority sections like women, LGBTQ+, persons with disabilities, and persons belonging to protected categories have been introduced in recent years. However, the problem is that medium and small-scale companies are unacquainted with such laws, while large-scale companies have reported difficulties in meeting the goals. This study aims to understand the recent HR policies introduced by India’s large and medium scale companies to adhere to the recent diversity laws and the challenges faced in this regard.

Goal 1

To identify contemporary organizational HR strategies for recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce

Purpose: India has perpetually faced the problem of a lack of diversity in the workforce, despite the many recent advancements in the business ecosystem. In order to protect the rights of minority and often neglected groups, India announced many laws in recent years. The purpose of this goal is to review these laws, implementation methods followed by companies, and challenges faced in the process, using secondary data.

Method: Systematic review, critical review and literature review methods will be used to identify the factors.


To contribute and publish select a pending milestone.

Challenges in managing workplace diversity in India
India’s workplace diversity laws and human resource policies
Systematic review of recruitment and retention strategies for enabling workplace diversity in India
Implications of a diverse workforce for Indian companies
Systematic review of factors influencing workplace diversity in India
Conceptual framework of recruitment and retention policies for workplace diversity
Goal 2

Goal 2: To examine empirically the recruitment and retention strategies applied by Indian companies to adhere to workplace diversity laws and the challenges faced therein.

Purpose: Five large-scale companies based in India are interviewed about their recruitment and retention strategies for diverse employees (women, transgender, people with physical disabilities, people belonging to minority caste and religion). The purpose of this goal is to identify the challenges and outcomes of these strategies. In the end methods to maximise the outcome of these strategies will be proposed, so that the inclusivity and diversity laws of India are adhered to.

Method: Case study analysis


To contribute and publish select a pending milestone.

An empirical approach to understanding workplace diversity challenges in India
Case study (company 1) for examination of workplace diversity
Case study (company 2) for examination of workplace diversity
Case study (company 3) for examination of workplace diversity
Case study (company 4) for examination of workplace diversity
Case study (company 5) for examination of workplace diversity
Empirical assessment of challenges faced by Indian companies in enabling workplace diversity